Hello Swiftler’s,
SWIFT version 5.0 is out after a long wait.Lot of care was taken in designing and implementing every feature in the theme. I can proudly say that SWIFT is the best WordPress theme available.
Thank you all for your continuous support, v5.0 wouldn’t have been possible without your support.
Special thanks to
- Dawn of http://huffmasterfamily.com/ for answering the queries on forum while I was busy developing v5.0.
- Amandeep Singh of http://www.equitipz.com/ Saurabh of vlovers.Com for their feedback and suggestion.
- Karthikeyan of blogrPro for his help in coding.
- Dustin Dempsey for finding bugs in the theme.
Here are some of the best features of SWIFT, that make it a better choice than the premium themes.
1. Search Engine Optimization
SWIFT is highly optimized for search engines.For example
- It uses H1 tags for post title instead of blog name.
- Right Sidebar or Left Sidebar, your HTML always remains same and the post content comes first in the document flow. That means a better rankings for the keywords in the post.
2. Loads VERY FAST
SWIFT is highly optimized to reduce the loading time of your site. With Google announcing speed of the site as one of the criteria for search rankings, SWIFT gives you an extra edge over other blogs in your niche.
3. Easily Customizable
You can customize every element of the site from the options page to give your site a personalized look. Here are some of the customization options in SWIFT
- You can customize colors of almost any element of the theme.
- You can choose font face and size.
- Layout.
There are lot of other options, checkout the options page demo link for more detail.(Scroll down for the link and password)
4. Vertical Rhythm
Space in typography is like time in music. Just as regular use of time provides rhythm in music, so regular use of space provides rhythm in typography, and without rhythm the listener, or the reader, becomes disoriented and lost.
How is this vertical rhythm going to help you?
With vertical rhythm, it will be easy for your readers to read the posts. When the content is easily available for the readers they are going to stay on the site for a longer time and thus increasing your chance to convert them into a regular reader or customer of you are selling products on your blog.
BETA release of v5.0 was installed on GeniusHackers.Com on 2nd JAN, you can see the increase in number of page views after installing SWIFT.

5. Banner AD’s and Adsense Integration
SWIFT has Adsense ad’s integrated into 4 killer positions
- In Header.
- Below The main navigation.
- Below post title on single post page.
- After post content on single post page.
In v5.0 banner ads are widgetised, that means you can place them in any location of the sidebar or footer.

6. Three built-in Widgets
In v5.o RSS subscription box and the tab’s are widgetised so that you can place them in any location of your choice. Apart form these 2 widgets we have the poplar posts widget and the banner ads widget.

7. Social Bookmarks integration
Using a lot of plugins slows down the site considerably, so I integrated the social bookmarking feature into the theme so that you wont need a another plugin for the same. You can disable the feature if you don’t want to use it.

8. Author Templates and Author info
SWIFT has a specially designed authors template, showing authors info and the authors posts and author info as added at the end of post on single post template. Ideal for multi author blogs.

9. Sexy Dropdown Navigation
SWIFT has a clean and elegant drop down navigation, this sleek navigation will help you in reducing the bounce rate.

10. Automatic thumbnail generation and resizing of images
Built in image re-sizer script automatically scales your post images for pixel perfect display. Well, this is an option in most of the premium themes, the best thing about SWIFT is it supports images from other hosts which isn’t a feature available in premium themes.
SWIFT automatically re-sizes images that overflow from the content area. This comes in very handy if you are moving to SWIFT from theme which has wider content area.
11. Cross Browser Compatible
SWIFT is compatible with all the popular browser and the not so popular IE 6.
12. Custom Page Templates

SWIFT has three custom page templates apart from the default template, they are
- Full Width template
- Wide Content area with left sidebar and
- Wide content area with right sidebar
13. jQuery Tool Tip integration
I have integrated a lite weight tooltip plugin into the theme so that your readers will can easily figure out whats in a link, without actually visiting it. Your readers will definitely love it.

Other minor additions to SWIFT v5.0
Apart from the awesome features listed above here are some more
- Integration of My Page Order and My Category Order plugins. Thanks to Andrew Charlton for allowing us to use code from his plugins in SWIFT.
- Background images for header and page can now be added from the options page.
- Option to show full length posts along with excerpts on home page.
- Option to order and disable navigation menu.
- Option to append link to navigation menu.
- Option to disable RSS links and search box in navigation menu.
- Font face and size selection.
Please post a review of SWIFT on your blog if you like it, if you any suggestions feel free to post them in comments.
Demo: This blog uses v5.0
If you want to checkout the options page without installing, visit

Note: Color option don’t work in WordPress versions before 2.9
PS: I’m going to my home town tomorrow (Haven’t started packing yet 🙁 ) and I wont be having internet for the next 2 days. I will post the installation and upgrade instructions on 13th.

<a href="http://www.geekyweekly.com/mypageorder" target="_blank">My Page Order</a> and <a href="http://geekyweekly.com/mycategoryorder" target="_blank">My Category Order</a> plugins by <a href="http://www.geekyweekly.com/" target="_blank">Andrew Charlton</a>.
Superb Theme for all types of blog.
I am using swift in our many blogs.Thanks
Really Liked this theme. I liked the layout and will use this theme on one of my friends blog.
Very interesting. Thinking of using Swift with our company blog
I have been looking for a theme to use for my next website on motorhomes in NZ. now I have seen your swift themes I will not need sitesell anymore. your themes look better, have more functionality and don’t cost $299 a year.
Great themes, vry nice
I like it
Very nice theme guys
how to see demo this themes?
I want to change the website I already have to some wordpress style. Does swift allow me to integrate this website and keep the page names the same ? I have many links to some of my existing websites inner pages, do I need to 301 redirect EACH page. I have already bought 5 years of hosting on Cirtex, so I need to buy a wordpress theme.
Very nice theme, Satish.
I’ve used swift on my new site. Soon i’ll write a review about swift on my main blog.
Nice SEO, fast loading theme i looking for. I am downloaded version 5.73 now. I cant hardly wait to use it on my website. Thank You.
Its amazing now.
I liked it a much and will use it on my coming soon blog.
That’s a great work… 😀
this is really cool theme, i’m planing to use this for my blog, i stumbled here while i was finding free alternative for thesis ..thanx for good work
Dear Satish,
How can I get the “authors template: as you said above?
“SWIFT has a specially designed authors template, showing authors info and the authors posts and author info as added at the end of post on single post template. Ideal for multi author blogs.”
Thanks for the awesome themes. I like it! I’m trying to customize my web..
Can this template be used on the wordpress hosted free wordpress, or do you have to have it hosted somewhere ? Also, is a slideshow widget availiable for it ?
This template can only be used on self hosted wordpress sites
where can i find the Dropdown Navigation on version 4.29?
There is no drop down navigation in v4.29
satish, your theme is AMAZING! thank you so much for sharing
Awesome. Thanks for sharing this great theme
awsome, good job 🙂
Absolutely love it! Terrific layout and love that it is so fast.
Absolutely great theme looks like premium theme…thanks for making it free & sharing
I’ve been using this theme for about a month now, and have seen my bounce rate drop to almost 0% !!!
Well done and thanks for an EPIC theme!
Ti’s bestest wordpress theme i ever seen! awesome! great job men ..thx 😉
great theme,
have downloaded it and will be testing it on one of the sites
thank you
beautiful theme, i like it!
Absolutely great theme…thanks for making it free 🙂
Its amazing now. I liked it a much and will use it on my coming soon blog.
That’s a great work!
OK, I tried to register for the forum, but there is an error!
I want to add date to the posts when they were posted and also when they are on the main page under the titles…Thanks!
I just love this theme! it is wonderful and many, many options! I do have a question! Can I change the comments, the way they look?
Italic not liking it!
Figured it out, but it has been very time consuming!
I have a question about the new features, specifically “Background images for header and page can now be added from the options page.”
Is this talking about the header image? I don’t see anything in the options to add background images to pages.
Also, it is possible to have the header full width? Right now, there is a dead spot on the left side.
Thanks for a great theme.
Great theme, once again.
I noticed this change to 5.0: “Background images for header and page can now be added from the options page.”
Does this mean the header image? I didn’t see any way to add an image to the background of the page under Swift Options.
Also, is there anyway to make the header cover the whole width of the screen?
This theme is really well designed with speed in mind. The featured slideshow is really light weight compared to others. I was able to take it and customize a few things without much trouble.
Is there a reason why html editing in posts is disabled? Enabling the html tab will help. Overall a good theme, and way better than many premium themes.
SWIFT doesn’t interfere with the core wordpress functionality.
Check your profile settings, you might have disabled WYSIWYG editor.
This theme is really helpful for newbies to WP like me. I have started my blog last day only and this theme is really helpful for me.
BTW, the option you provided to checkout the theme without installing is not working. Please correct it. If it is corrected, it would be really useful for us to assign it similarly in our blog also
This is really looks like a premium theme, thanks for sharing.
Has anyone come accross this error?
Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/content/r/o/o/roomkey/html/getmonsterprofit.com/wp-content/themes/swift-v5.1.0/layouts/blog-loop.php on line 8
I get this message above every post, not the pages… Only on the posts.
Please let me know how I could fix this.
Thanks for reporting, I will look into it ASAP.
Good job with the customization, keep up the good work.
Now I’m getting this error when re-activated… How could I correct two days of work using the Swift Theme Version 5.1
Read Below for errors…
Warning: fopen(/home/content/r/o/o/roomkey/html/getmonsterprofit.com/wp-content/themes/swift-v5.1.0/custom-style.css): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/r/o/o/roomkey/html/getmonsterprofit.com/wp-content/themes/swift-v5.1.0/admin/admin-core.php on line 92
Warning: filesize(): Stat failed for /home/content/r/o/o/roomkey/html/getmonsterprofit.com/wp-content/themes/swift-v5.1.0/custom-style.css (errno=2 – No such file or directory) in /home/content/r/o/o/roomkey/html/getmonsterprofit.com/wp-content/themes/swift-v5.1.0/admin/admin-core.php on line 93
Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/content/r/o/o/roomkey/html/getmonsterprofit.com/wp-content/themes/swift-v5.1.0/admin/admin-core.php on line 93
Thanks again.
I fixed that in version 5.1.1, please download it again
Could someone please help me… I recently added version 5.0 and can not get images to show up on the Featured post slider. Am I missing something???
Thanks for your help.
use version 5.1.1
When I stall version 5.1.1 it gave me the following errors…
Warning: fopen(/home/content/r/o/o/roomkey/html/getmonsterprofit.com/wp-content/themes/swift-v5.1.1/custom-style.css): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/r/o/o/roomkey/html/getmonsterprofit.com/wp-content/themes/swift-v5.1.1/admin/admin-core.php on line 92
Warning: filesize(): Stat failed for /home/content/r/o/o/roomkey/html/getmonsterprofit.com/wp-content/themes/swift-v5.1.1/custom-style.css (errno=2 – No such file or directory) in /home/content/r/o/o/roomkey/html/getmonsterprofit.com/wp-content/themes/swift-v5.1.1/admin/admin-core.php on line 93
Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/content/r/o/o/roomkey/html/getmonsterprofit.com/wp-content/themes/swift-v5.1.1/admin/admin-core.php on line 93
How do I mix this?
First – this is a gorgeous theme…I love it!!!!
HELP!! I am a novice with wordpress and can’t seem to fix a few flaws I have on my site – http://www.professional-book-editors.com
I am having a hard time configuring my banner ads properly. I have HTML codes for affiliate links (like those for amazon or commission junction) and when I try to add the HTML code links, it will not open the link to the proper landing page, and for some reason I can not get the banners to show up properly in the widgets. I also like the banner ads in http://geniushackers.com, but can not figure out how to do that.
Also…the theme now shows a “home” page – but I can not find where in wordpress the “home” page is so that I could update the content and make it look like the other pages with the magazine layout.
Could any one guide me how to configure 125×125 ad banner.
I have tried but couldn’t succeed. I will appreciate if any one give me a link of tutorial for the same
Best Regards,
FONT size options are confusing and it is very hard to get perfect settings for font sizes in swift 5. h2 font sizes should be smaller while post content font size should be larger. swift theme font size option is not good for customizing font as it creates mess..
First, let me say that I LOVE the theme and many people I talk to say the same thing. However, when I installed the newest versions the style with the rounded corners and the dark gray background was gone and my homepage reverted to the other style. Is that not an option anymore or am I missing something. I hope this is an adequate description…
When I change to full screen layout, the theme displays black patches of category names in the popular posts section.
The title tag of the posts is too big. I is itself occupying lot of screen real estate. I prefer the new version but it has lot of issues.
This is how it should be displayed
Instead of saying lot of issues, it will be helpful if you can list them.
I deleted the old version by FTP and uploaded new v5 but its not running. Preview screen showing all white and i am not able to access dashboard or any other part of my site.
I installed this theme but disappointed. The fonts sizes are too small. It would be helpful if the developer post the optimum font sizes for all browsers.
The blog title is not displayed in the header. I don’t have photoshop to create a new logo. By default the title should display.
It’s a bug in the default colors when you use the narrow title version. The blog title is there, but it’s the same color as the background. Just change the default colors, or switch to the full width header, and you’re set.
As for the font sizes, I also found them small, but after looking around I found an option to change them. Design Options -> Fonts. I set mine at 14px / .8em / .8em and it looks great (although I’m a little confused on what the differences between the two .8em fields are, as the text is the same).
There is a typo there, One is for sidebar and other is for footer.
I will correct it in the next release.
Will you be providing a .po file for localization?
Hi Satish, Congrats for great work and keep it up..I am having a little problem with theme, the previous version is woking perfectly all right with my site but when i installed latest one its broke down, i can able to get preview in theme options,it showing all blank and after activating nothing shows up just a blank white screen even i cant get to my dashboard. One thing before installing new one i deleted old folder by ftp, and uploaded new folder.
Plz let me know where i am wrong…?
I think I’ve found a small bug on the comments.php file. At the end, where it says:
This causes many fields that should be inside the form and submitted with it to end up out of it, thus not being submitted. So, I suggest it be slightly modified into this:
If you could also add <?php show_manual_subscription_form(); ?> right after the </form> element, so that it’d be more compatible with the Subscribe to Comments plugin, it’d be perfect! The final code would look like this:
Thanks buddy, I will fix it in the next version.
when you upload in official wordpress site, to be more easy to update ?
I uploaded it on the wordpress directory it hasn’t been approved yet. Reviewers at the official theme directory are highly biased and there is lot of favoritism.
Unfortunately nothing much can be done about it.
Hi Satish,
I checked in the backened in wordpress and it doesnt say that v5.0 is available. Usually when there is an update for any theme of or plugins it says in the wordpress that there is an update.
So let me know how else I can upgrade to v5.0.
If I download v5.0 to my desktop and then install it to wordpress then I will loose all the old data.
Harprit Singh
Very nice Satish. Thanks
Where is your home?
a Quick Review
as you said ” the best thing about SWIFT is it supports images from other hosts which isn’t a feature available in premium themes ”
I have tried this & found that if the image is hosted on your server only then it shows in the thumbnail in the magazine layout & the slider else it does not.
Kindly Check & confirm the Solution
Your host should support fetching urls from other servers for this feature to work.
check with ur hosting company.
It doesnt work when u specify image from other host in custom fields manually.
Great Theme Satish, You are a Godsent. I am so excited about this this new theme.
You surely write a review in few days after using the theme.
I normally dont say this to the Male Kinds, But…
I Love You 😛
Looks great, love the extra options available. Thanks!
I installed it and am playing around with it now. This version is amazing and I thought the last versions were great.
I’m sending a donation to help the effort as it is greatly appreciated.
finaly what i’ve been waiting is come
it’s very nice look now
thanks satish
i will write review in my blog soon
You are MOST welcome for the forum help and I’m so excited about v5! Swift has been a great theme so far and it only gets better with each new release! Have a great “home town” visit!
Blessings, Dawn
Looks great! Will try it for a blog and was waiting for this final update.