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Background images & Featured image on posts

Background Images Last week we released a new version of PageSpeed with the option to add background images for the body, header, and footer. You can select all the possible attributes for the background image like Background repeat Background size Background attachment Background position you might need an option to have a separate background image

New version of Swift with user friendly error pages

Another update of Swift is here. Major additions to this version are User friendly error pages. Added box shadow option for comments, and navigation after post. Other changes to this version are listed below Further enhanced captioned images styling. Changed the shortcodes download icon. Increased the size of comments submit buttons. Some refinements to buttons.

Easily import and export options in SWIFT-v5.27

I’m very happy to announce the new import / export options feature in SWIFT a feature unique to SWIFT in it’s class. Apart from the ease in carrying your customizations from development server to live server, this new feature opens new doors for SWIFT. Now you can easily share your customizations and color schemes with fellow Swifter’s, release them

Option to choose between 2 sliders

I’m working on adding an option to choose between 2 sliders, I’m half way through the process. It will be sometime before it’s completely integrated into SWIFT, here is the screen shot for those who have been waiting for the slider with large images. Here are some cool features of the new slider Keyboard Navigation