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Wordpress themes

It’s time to add some fancy features to SWIFT

Hello Swiftler’s, How are you guys doing.It’s been quite a time since SWIFT was updated. Last 2 months have been very tough for me ( toughest in my life 🙁  ). But  now it’s time to get my controls back and do some serious coding. I have planned some nice additions for SWIFT, if you have

SWIFT is now wordpress MU compatible

There were some problems with the swift options page when used on WordPress MU, I have modified the code to make SWIFT compatible with WordPress MU. Thanks to edelwater of for his help with the code. Apart from WordPress MU support, Improvements in this version include Fixed the image resizing problem reported here All the options have been

SWIFT is now XHTML valid

Here are few reasons

  • Validation is a sign of professionalism.
  • Many engines cannot properly catalog or index a site that has serious HTML errors. This can greatly reduce the amount of traffic your web site receives from search engines. With SWIFT you don’t have that problem.
