This recipe goes well with the sleek header, you can try it with the regular header too. The sleek header is 64px tall with the site title @48px. We will use an icon that is 64px tall to match the header height and add 5px padding at top and bottom as a part of the
How to change the domain name of your WordPress site
Want to change your domain name and re brand your business, but worried you might loose data or rankings, or does the process sound too technical and scary? You will be surprised to know that the process can be completed in as little as 20 minutes if you have a plan and know what you
How to clean and Migrate/Move WordPress From One Host/Server to another
Moving WordPress from one host to another might look like a huge task and you might be afraid of losing data or corrupting your database. Believe me, moving WordPress from one host to another is a very simple task, and takes very little time. We have been doing more complicated tasks like changing WordPress domain
An Open Letter to MyTheme Shop. You can make money without being evil !!
Dear MyThemeShop, This is in response to the test results you published on your schema theme page where you have mentioned about Swift theme. We would have truly appreciated if you could have compared the results in a true honest manner. Please do not take it in other way around, We are all more than
Renaming Custom Post Types and Taxonomies in WordPress
If you change the name of custom post types, all the posts published with the previous name will lead to 404 error. Run this small SQL query to rename your post types and taxonomies without any problems. [php]UPDATE `wp_posts` SET `post_type` = ‘<new post type name>’ WHERE `post_type` = ‘<old post type name>’;[/php] [php]UPDATE `wp_term_taxonomy`