Hello Swiftler’s
I wish you, your family members and your planet mates a very very happy and peaceful Christmas. Be good and do good.
News about version 5.0
Santa just called on my mobile and informed me that his sledge is stuck in the snow also his reindeer’s are moving slower than their usual speed as he is carrying too many gifts, he will be with you on Jan first with SWIFT v5.0.
Till then here are some of the new features in v5.0
- Now you can reorder categories and pages in navigation area.
- You can disable either of them or toggle their positions.
- RSS subscribe box widget, and tabs widget.
- Sexy author info and related posts box.
- sleek drop down menu.
- HTML/CSS validated.
- Font selection.
- Font re-size option for your visitors.
You can check the work in progress here http://swiftthemes.com/swiftTest/

PS: Sledge is my lappy, gifts are the new features and you know who Santa is :P.
Thank you Dawn and Bulalo for your help on the forum 🙂
Completely off topic but, Watch this video. you will have a happier and peaceful life than before. One of my fav videos on youtube.
merry chrismast my friend. i’m waiting new update
Merry Christmas Swiftlers! 😀
Merry christmas… New year presents new swift.. 🙂
Oops. Have to wait till Jan 1!
Merry Christmas to you Satish! Looking forward to v5.0!