PageSpeed: Came a long way since the launch and very close to what we want it to be

After close to 2 years of planning and development, the free version of PageSpeed was launched on Jan 30th, 2018 and followed it up with the release of the PageSpeed pro on March 19th, 2018. We have come a long way since the launch and we are very close to what we want it to be.

What do we want PageSpeed to be?

We want PageSpeed to be a flexible and lightweight theme that is an ideal base to build any kind of website. All these days we were working hard to get there by developing the missing options and making sure they work well with the existing ones. It was too important to be rushed and everything had to be thoroughly tested before we can move to the next one.  This is the reason we haven’t yet launched the pre-made layouts that we promised for the pro version.

Now, we are closer than ever to the vision we had for PageSpeed, we should reach our first major checkpoint very soon. After this releasing new site designs and child themes will be super easy and fast.

Here is the list of new features added to PageSpeed since launch.

  • Single column post layout for the single post. Demo
  • The search box in the primary navigation/header.
  • Released the “No Nonsense Slider” plugin for use in PageSpeed theme.
  • Option to add social media links, phone number and WhatsApp links in the header with a custom order. Th code includes rich structured data markup so that your site/business appears in SERPS along with knowledge graph cards.

  • Option to show the first post on the homepage in full when using excerpts.
  • New card style for widgets.
  • WooCommerce support and exclusive templates for use with WooCommerce pages.
  • New colour schemes.
  • Structure data for social media icons and logo so that your business are listed with knowledge graph on google.
  • Option to have separate containers for sidebar and main.
  • Animated thumbnails
  • Masonry grid layout for home page and archives. Demo

Yet to come

We have all the features most of you will ever need, those not present can be easily implemented easily using the free child theme we provide. We want to focus mainly on helping you use the theme right, use the resources we develop for you properly. In those lines, we want to add the following enhancements to future versions.

  • After you install the theme there are few things you need to configure and some setting you need to explore to fine-tune your site. We plan to provide you with a checklist and encourage you to finish those tasks so that you are equipped with all the knowledge you need to use the theme.
  • Improvements to the customizer and avoid full page refreshes where ever possible and make it faster and easier to customise.
  • Background images for body and header.
  • Predefined typography stacks.
  • Option to hide the sidebars on home and archives.
  • A system to warn you when you are doing something wrong.
  • Refine the mobile navigation.
  • Some CSS3 animations to add some jazz.
  • Useful widgets bundle.
  • Prebuilt layouts for use with page builders.
  • Further refinements to CSS to reduce the size by at least 10%.
  • One click option to backup your theme settings.
  • Import-export theme settings.

If you have any feature request or suggestions, please share them in the comments below or drop us an email.


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