Here is a major update to Swift making up for the time I was away. Upgrade instructions Shortcode buttons and info boxes are changed in this version, if you used them in your posts you will have to update them. Backup your theme settings from the import/export page. Upgrade like any other theme. If you
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SwiftPremium options page screenshots.
How to get the old navigation style in SwiftPremium
We changed the default styling of SwiftPremium to be different from the free version. If you are a fan of the old navigation style, you can get it by adding the following CSS code to user CSS. [css] #nav1-container,#nav2-container{background:#dbdbdb;border:0} .navigation{margin-left:5px} .navigation li a{background:none!important} .navigation li a:hover{background:#EEE} /* For rounded corners*/ #footer-ad-container{padding:8px 0} #nav1-container { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: