Background Images
Last week we released a new version of PageSpeed with the option to add background images for the body, header, and footer. You can select all the possible attributes for the background image like
- Background repeat
- Background size
- Background attachment
- Background position
you might need an option to have a separate background image for mobile devices, we will evaluate your feedback on this feature and make a decision.
Featured image on single post
A couple of weeks before that, we introduced the option to show featured image on the single post. This gives you options to display the featured image
- Above title
- Below title
- Alignment options and
- Dimensions
- Option to have different sized image on mobiles or skip
These two new options can be found in the customizer at
- WP Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customizer -> Theme Options -> Single Post
- WP Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customizer -> Theme Options -> Backgrounds & Colors
Background images options is present in v2.10 available in the members area, the same will be pushed to the update server on 15th October 2018.
We hope you find these two new additions useful 🙂
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