Here is a major update to Swift making up for the time I was away.
Upgrade instructions
- Shortcode buttons and info boxes are changed in this version, if you used them in your posts you will have to update them.
- Backup your theme settings from the import/export page.
- Upgrade like any other theme.
- If you are happy with your current design, please do not upgrade for the next 2 weeks as it’s a major update. Feel free to use it if it’s the first time you are using Swift on your blog.
More choices when purchasing Swift
Starting with this version of Swift, you have option to purchase life time licenses of personal and developer versions. If you already bought Swift with yearly subscription, you can upgrade to life time license here. If you missed renewing your license, you can do it manually here
Here is the list of new additions to Swift
Google web fonts integration
Now you can choose from over 1000 fonts from Google web fonts right inside the Swift options page. With my obsession with speed, I did not just integrate theme, but did it in the best possible way for optimum performance. If you want to use a font just for your blog name or tagline only, you have option to load only the required characters.
New news paper layout {Demo}
This version of Swift includes a new news paper layout which is simple, elegant and stylish. It’s still a work in progress and more functionality will be added in future versions.
Important features of this layout are
- Mosaic and film strip.
- Tool tip.
- Option to show Popular posts, recent comments and authors in various sections.
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New options for the Random posts and Popular posts widget
Added option to show/hide date, thumbnail, and author info in both these widgets and randoms posts widget gets the random button to show some love to your old posts.
Affiliates widget
This version includes affilaites widget to help you promote your favorite theme and make money :). Just add it to any sidebar, and it will take care of the rest.
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Revamped shortcodes { Live Demo }
Shortcodes and info boxes are taken from twitter bootstrap. See how beautiful and stylish they are.
Time lapse for post publish date
If a post is published less than 24 hours ago, Swift will now show the time lapse instead of the actual date. Will be very helpful for those post lot of content.
Different number of posts on the home page and archives
It’s not advisable to show full length posts or excerpts on archives due to duplicate content issues. So we introduced the list style to display post, but then there wont be enough content on archive pages. To address this problem, in this version of Swift you have an option to set the number of posts you want to display on archive pages.
Full length posts + excerpts on home page
If you set the home page to display excerpts, then you have an option to display some posts in full length.
New styling for page navigation
Other additions and improvements to Swift include
- Anti spam measure for the contact form.
- Option to add an ad after first paragraph.
- Improved control over site widths.
- Save and reset buttons stick to the bottom of your browser window for better UX.
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Hi Satish, first off, thank you for this theme, I love it and use an older version on another blog. Without even thinking about it I used it on my new site. the thing is, there isn’t an option to choose “0” full posts on the archive and other pages (so excerpts only work on the home page) and excerpts are not working on archives and categories and such. Is this going to be fixed or is there a work around or something? The full posts take away from the function of my site and the list feature is too small to work well. Any help is much appreciated.
Some nice improvements! But what do you mean at 4 in your upgrade instructions? Will there be another update soon?
If you are interested in a Dutch translation, please let me know!
As this is a major update, there might be few bugs. So, it’s better to wait for few days.
Will get back to you once i update the pot files for translation.
A very nice update. I was looking forward to it. I will do the update right away!