Before uploading the logo for your website, choose the header style you like. PageSpeed has two header styles.
- Sleek header
- Regular header
You can read about the two styles here.
You can set your site logo and its alignment at appearance->customiser->site identity.
PageSpeed lets you have different logos for mobiles and desktops.
Please don’t confuse logo with the header background. We have seen a lot of WordPress users use both interchangeably.
Default logo
The default logo is used for desktops. It can be of any size, but if you are using sleek header, it is advised to have a logo no taller than 72px and make padding part of your logo. See image below.
Mobile Logo
Ideal logo size for mobiles is 320px wide. Height can be anything based on your logo aspect ratio. Again, make padding part of your logo. See image below.

Site Icon/Favicon
Site Icons are what you see in browser tabs, bookmark bars, and within the WordPress mobile apps. In PageSpeed site icon is also used in sticky navigation, and in sticky menus on mobiles. The ideal aspect ratio for this is 1:1