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version 5.01 is out with some bug fixes.

The following bugs are fixed in v5.01 Blank screen after posting a comment. { Found  by Alexander Gieg } Footer scripts bug. Custom color of block quote. Page menu sub-pages showing underneath the categories navigation menu. [download id=”1″] If you have any suggestions for new features or want to request a new feature feel free

SWIFT version 5.0 is now available

Hello Swiftler’s, SWIFT version 5.0 is out after a long wait.Lot of care was taken in designing and implementing every feature in the theme. I can proudly say that SWIFT is the best WordPress theme available. Thank you all for your continuous support, v5.0 wouldn’t have been possible without your support. Special thanks to Dawn

Features and design ideas for SWIFT v5.0

SWIFT needs your ideas and suggestions

If you want some feature to be added in SWIFT or have a suggestion about design or usability please post it here.

If you have seen a blog with unique design,layout or features post it here, may be we can have it in SWIFT to.

I really need some ideas/inspiration on how to display author info,tags,related posts and social media icons at the end of the post.