SwiftPremium v0.5 is translation ready

SwiftPremium SEO WordPress theme

Big News! SwiftPremium version 0.5 is now translation ready. You no longer have to edit the files to translate the theme. Pot file is located in SwiftPremium/lang folder. Whats new in SwiftPremium v 0.5 SwiftPremium was reviewed by Mani Karthik, a SEO expert from India. I updated few sections of the code based on his

How to get the old navigation style in SwiftPremium

We changed the default styling of SwiftPremium to be different from the free version. If you are a fan of the old navigation style, you can get it by adding the following  CSS code to user CSS. [css] #nav1-container,#nav2-container{background:#dbdbdb;border:0} .navigation{margin-left:5px} .navigation li a{background:none!important} .navigation li a:hover{background:#EEE} /* For rounded corners*/ #footer-ad-container{padding:8px 0} #nav1-container {    -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: